Monday, February 14, 2011

The begining

So here I am, 29, married, 2 kids, and fat as can be. That's what this is about, relearning how to be a healthy me. There are a lot of reasons why I want to be healthy, my number 1 reason is I want to have a waistline again, I want to look good in clothes. I have other less selfish reason too, like I want to be there for my girls, I want to be more attractive for my husband. But at the end of the day this is for me. I think that it's ok that this is for me, I think otherwise I wouldn't have enough drive, and sometimes it is ok to be selfish.

So what this is. I need to be healthy for 1 year. Eat healthy, act healthy, make healthy decisions. I'm a realist, there are going to be days when unhealthy wins. When fried beats baked. When lounging on the couch beats getting up and moving. But I am going to try, because trying is better than not doing anything. So this is my honest to everyone including myself year to get healthy. This is my year to relearn how to love myself, stretch marks and all. My year to realize healthy doesn't mean perfect, but not to give up. My year to accept my body, but still strive to make it better. This is going to be my year. 

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